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Wednesday, August 23, 2017


My discussion today is on GIVING.

We are told that the secret to living is giving! Research has shown that the more you give to others, the happier you are and the more you have the more you are able to give. People get more satisfaction spending money on others than they get spending it on themselves. In other words, giving makes you happier and healthier.

You see, you make a living by what you get, but you make life by what you give. The secret to wealth too is that giving in any form builds wealth faster than getting will ever will. Note that the secret to a fulfilled life is not only to do well but to do good and that is in giving! Andrew Carnegie, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Tony Robbins are all billionaires known to be giving away billions of their money every year and their wealth rather than dwindling has been increasing.

Note, among its many benefits, giving librates the soul of the giver. That only comes about when you realize that life is not about me but about ‘we’ and when you do that your life will change forever. It is at that moment that you become a wealthy man.

Like Tony Robbins said, ‘Give freely, openly and enjoyably. Try to give even when think you do not have anything to give, and you will discover an ocean of abundance inside of you and around you.’ Also note this, the more you give, the more you will receive.

Finally, you can never live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you.

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