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Wednesday, August 23, 2017


My discussion today is on the magic there is in ASKING.

The holy book said, ‘Ask and you shall receive.’ Meaning if you do not ask, you will not get. If a child wants something from the parent, he must first ask before receiving it. If a man desires a relationship with the opposite sex, he must first ask before the woman will accept. So is also the case of a man looking for a job, he must first request for employment before being considered for it.

To get whatever you want in life, you must first ask for it! When you ask for it, it is almost always given. However, you must refuse to take ‘no’ for an answer. You must realize that behind that ‘no’ there might be a yes. That is the catch.

Whenever you are asking, do so with determination and persistence. Ask clearly and specifically. You must stay focused on your desire.  Expect that a ‘yes’ will come, eventually. Belief that you have already received and you shall receive. However if you doubt, the reverse is the case.

With the magic of asking, you can ask for a raise at work. You can ask to be of service. You can ask for the commencement of a relationship. Connect with source to accede to your desire and belief that the universe has already said ‘yes’ to your desire!

With the law of attraction and the magic of asking, you become the conscious creator of your reality. Therefore beginning from today, endeavor to sow the seed of ‘I can, I have’ and it shall manifest in your life. Realize that your desire is yours and you only have to ask to take it.

This then brings us to the issue of thoughts. As you think, so shall it manifest in your life. If you ask for something and belief within yourself that can have it, you shall surely receive it.

Trust me.

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