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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Creating Wealth – Effect of Our Emotions in Money Making

“The main reason so many people
struggle financially is not because they lack
good education or are not hard working.
It is because they are afraid of losing.
If the fear of losing stops them, they are lost”
- Robert Kiyosaki.

Studies have revealed that wealth creation is closely linked to our emotions. As part of being human, we have emotions. Our emotion includes fear, anger, greed, love, joy, happiness, disappointment, sadness and hate. What separates us as individuals however is how we are able to control these emotions or how our emotions control us. From studies the greatest cause of financial struggle in life is the fear of losing money which is caused by human emotion. The rich too experience fear when risking their money. The difference between the rich and those who are poor is however how they handle this fear.
To those who struggle financially, the emotion of fear generate a certain thought in their minds which is “Play it safe, do not take risks”. The rich on the other hand think differently thus “Play it smart, learn to manage risks”. This is the reason why the rich who take risks make mistakes, recover from their mistakes and often accumulate more wealth than those struggling financially who have learned not to make mistakes because of the fear of taking risks and losing money. From the foregoing therefore, it is evident that the emotional thought of the poor is stronger than their rational thoughts. It is the other way round in respect of the rich.
Creating wealth with regards to the rich and those struggling financially is found in the difference between their thoughts and their internal dialogue with themselves. The rich never thinks or says anything derogatory about themselves because they know whatever they say or think could become their reality. To be financially free and avoid financial struggle, we need to avoid thinking negatively, make mistakes financially, correct them and learn to manage risks. While those who struggle financially are concerned with financial security, the rich are concerned with financial freedom. To move from struggling financially to financial freedom therefore, one will have to change the process of thinking. You will have to distinguish which thoughts are emotion driven and which one is logic driven. Wealth creation requires a change in our core emotional thinking, feelings, beliefs and attitude.
Most people are poor because their emotions control their thoughts about wealth creation. As human BE-ings we all have the same emotions. What differentiate us however are what we DO (to create wealth) and what we HAVE (in terms of wealth accumulation) which is primarily a function of how we handle our emotions about wealth. While the emotion of fear causes the poor to become financial cowards, it on the other hand causes the affluent to be courageous.
To this extent, the creation and losing of wealth is an emotional subject. The rich use their positive emotions like trust, courage, faith and good friends to move them forward. They take risks and make mistakes which when corrected often lead to wisdom and knowledge. They know that failure and mistake is part of the process of success in wealth building.
Wealth creation is not a function of our emotions alone. There are several other factors that affect our quest to build wealth. You can learn more about one of such factors by clicking here now.