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Wednesday, August 23, 2017


My discussion today is on GIVING.

We are told that the secret to living is giving! Research has shown that the more you give to others, the happier you are and the more you have the more you are able to give. People get more satisfaction spending money on others than they get spending it on themselves. In other words, giving makes you happier and healthier.

You see, you make a living by what you get, but you make life by what you give. The secret to wealth too is that giving in any form builds wealth faster than getting will ever will. Note that the secret to a fulfilled life is not only to do well but to do good and that is in giving! Andrew Carnegie, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Tony Robbins are all billionaires known to be giving away billions of their money every year and their wealth rather than dwindling has been increasing.

Note, among its many benefits, giving librates the soul of the giver. That only comes about when you realize that life is not about me but about ‘we’ and when you do that your life will change forever. It is at that moment that you become a wealthy man.

Like Tony Robbins said, ‘Give freely, openly and enjoyably. Try to give even when think you do not have anything to give, and you will discover an ocean of abundance inside of you and around you.’ Also note this, the more you give, the more you will receive.

Finally, you can never live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you.


My discussion today is on the magic there is in ASKING.

The holy book said, ‘Ask and you shall receive.’ Meaning if you do not ask, you will not get. If a child wants something from the parent, he must first ask before receiving it. If a man desires a relationship with the opposite sex, he must first ask before the woman will accept. So is also the case of a man looking for a job, he must first request for employment before being considered for it.

To get whatever you want in life, you must first ask for it! When you ask for it, it is almost always given. However, you must refuse to take ‘no’ for an answer. You must realize that behind that ‘no’ there might be a yes. That is the catch.

Whenever you are asking, do so with determination and persistence. Ask clearly and specifically. You must stay focused on your desire.  Expect that a ‘yes’ will come, eventually. Belief that you have already received and you shall receive. However if you doubt, the reverse is the case.

With the magic of asking, you can ask for a raise at work. You can ask to be of service. You can ask for the commencement of a relationship. Connect with source to accede to your desire and belief that the universe has already said ‘yes’ to your desire!

With the law of attraction and the magic of asking, you become the conscious creator of your reality. Therefore beginning from today, endeavor to sow the seed of ‘I can, I have’ and it shall manifest in your life. Realize that your desire is yours and you only have to ask to take it.

This then brings us to the issue of thoughts. As you think, so shall it manifest in your life. If you ask for something and belief within yourself that can have it, you shall surely receive it.

Trust me.

The Miracle of the Mind

My discussion is on THE MIRACLE OF THE MIND.

Listen, for him who has conquered the mind, the mind is the best of friends; but for him who has failed to do so his mind will remain his greatest enemy. This is because your mind can be likened to an undiscovered goldmine! The ultimate capacity of the mind is infinite. The only thing that can take you to the achievement of your goals is your mind. That is, its effective use. However we fail to realize this.

You see, your goal is in the future. To be a success in life, your duty is to bridge the gap between your goal (in the future) and where you presently are. How to bridge that gap now becomes a problem which you must solve! Success is being able to solve the problem (bridging the gap) between where you are presently and where you desire to be in the future.

That is where your mind/brain comes in!  Your mind was given to you by the Almighty for problem solving purposes. The reason why the mind is called an undiscovered goldmine is because of its problem solving capacity. It is even more powerful than the computer! However, man has only learned to utilize only a small fraction of his mind for problem solving.

Successful people are not exceptional or without problems. They are simply people who have learned how to solve their problems by making use of their minds/brains regularly for that purpose.  Problems are part of living. How you are able to solve your problems is what separates the successful from the failure.

What separates the human being from other creatures is the mind/brain. The use of your mind for problem is therefore infinite. Yet is the last place the average human being turns to for problem solving.

Therefore to be the success you are destined to be, endeavor to regularly make use of your mind for the problems you will encounter daily in your life. You see, as your muscle grows with regular exercise, your mind too increases in capability with continuous use.

As you therefore regularly continue using your mind for problems solving purposes it gets better and better. So also will you become more and more successful in your endeavors!

Think about this.

Change Your Thoughts and Change Your Being

My discussion today is on THOUGHTS.

‘Thoughts are things’, so said Napoleon Hill in the book ‘Think and Grow Rich’.

Why do men with goals succeed and those without goals fail?

The key is that we become what we think about all day. All philosophers agree on this. You are what you think about all the time! You can alter your life right now by altering the way you think. This is because wise thinking leads to right living while stupid thinking leads to wrong living. Therefore as you think, so shall you be!

Note, this world is a looking glass and it gives back to you a reflection of your thoughts, beliefs and enthusiasm. When you are able to harness the power of your thoughts positively, you will make life say ‘YES’ instead of ‘No’ to your plans and ambitions.

You should therefore think of good things, visualize and believe that you can achieve them. Build a filter in your mind so that it will filter away the negative thoughts that will often come into your mind. Your mind is like a magnet which attracts to it whatever you draw to it and manifests it into reality.

I think, therefore I am.

TRUST: The #1 Value in Your Life

My discussion today is on TRUST.

Trust is being able to predict what other people will do and what situation will occur. Trust is faith. It is the glue that holds followers and leaders together. It is the glue that binds love. Trust contains the secret to living a happy life. It is also another word for ‘allowing’. Without trust you do everything by yourself.

When you trust, the currents of life will carry you to all the destinations you want. With trust comes belief and expectation. So trust what? Trust God. That he is the provider of everything. Trust your emotional guidance. Trust that you can achieve your desire. Trust that the universe will accede to your acclamation. Free yourself from judging everyone. Trust in the natural order of things. Trust that all is well.

When you trust that all is well life becomes yummy and delicious for you. Trust is like a change in your pocket. Each time you make good judgments and decisions, you earn some change. Each time you make bad judgments and decisions you lose some change. You cannot lose trust and continue to earn the respect of others. It cannot happen.

You do not build trust by talking about it. You build it by achieving results always with integrity and in a manner that shows real personal regard for people.

Remember, he who does not trust enough will not be trusted.

Think about this.