“The main reason so many people
struggle financially is not because they lack
good education or are not hard working.
It is because they are afraid of losing.
If the fear of losing stops them, they are lost”
- Robert Kiyosaki.
Studies have revealed that wealth creation is closely linked to our emotions. As part of being human, we have emotions. Our emotion includes fear, anger, greed, love, joy, happiness, disappointment, sadness and hate. What separates us as individuals however is how we are able to control these emotions or how our emotions control us. From studies the greatest cause of financial struggle in life is the fear of losing money which is caused by human emotion. The rich too experience fear when risking their money. The difference between the rich and those who are poor is however how they handle this fear.
To those who struggle financially, the emotion of fear generate a certain thought in their minds which is “Play it safe, do not take risks”. The rich on the other hand think differently thus “Play it smart, learn to manage risks”. This is the reason why the rich who take risks make mistakes, recover from their mistakes and often accumulate more wealth than those struggling financially who have learned not to make mistakes because of the fear of taking risks and losing money. From the foregoing therefore, it is evident that the emotional thought of the poor is stronger than their rational thoughts. It is the other way round in respect of the rich.
Creating wealth with regards to the rich and those struggling financially is found in the difference between their thoughts and their internal dialogue with themselves. The rich never thinks or says anything derogatory about themselves because they know whatever they say or think could become their reality. To be financially free and avoid financial struggle, we need to avoid thinking negatively, make mistakes financially, correct them and learn to manage risks. While those who struggle financially are concerned with financial security, the rich are concerned with financial freedom. To move from struggling financially to financial freedom therefore, one will have to change the process of thinking. You will have to distinguish which thoughts are emotion driven and which one is logic driven. Wealth creation requires a change in our core emotional thinking, feelings, beliefs and attitude.
Most people are poor because their emotions control their thoughts about wealth creation. As human BE-ings we all have the same emotions. What differentiate us however are what we DO (to create wealth) and what we HAVE (in terms of wealth accumulation) which is primarily a function of how we handle our emotions about wealth. While the emotion of fear causes the poor to become financial cowards, it on the other hand causes the affluent to be courageous.
To this extent, the creation and losing of wealth is an emotional subject. The rich use their positive emotions like trust, courage, faith and good friends to move them forward. They take risks and make mistakes which when corrected often lead to wisdom and knowledge. They know that failure and mistake is part of the process of success in wealth building.
Wealth creation is not a function of our emotions alone. There are several other factors that affect our quest to build wealth. You can learn more about one of such factors by clicking here now.
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Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Money Making Opportunity – Creating Wealth Using the Principle of Compound Effect
Are you interested in a money making opportunity that will help you in creating wealth quickly without even costing you a dime to achieve your goal? Money making or creating wealth has always been a source of concern to human beings since time immemorial. Human beings have often worried themselves about the ways to build wealth to achieve their financial goals and live the live of their dreams. Those who know how to create wealth however do not worry much because they know the money making opportunities available and how to apply them. One of such wealth building opportunities is the principle of compound effect which the rich have always applied to get rich and this is free for you too to use if you desire to make money.
What is Compound Effect?
Compound Effect is the principle of reaping huge rewards from a series of small smart choices. Arising from these is a final result which is often massive such that the steps taken to achieve it really do not seem significant.
Small smart choices +consistency + time = Radical Difference (Changes).
The power of the principle of compound effect lies in its simplicity. If the small smart choices are applied consistently, over time some radical differences will be observed in the individual applying them. However the most challenging part of the principle is that we must keep working away consistently for a while before we see our efforts paying off. If not there will be no change.
The Principle of Compound Effect as a Money Making Opportunity
It is no secret that the principle of compound effect is behind every achievable success in creating wealth. It is only the wealth built consistently overtime that stands the test of time. No wealth created quickly and without foundation can endure. Using the principle of compound effect to create wealth and make money is therefore is time tested and the most effective. Every wealthy person realizes this and that is why their wealth endures and appreciates. The Bill Gates and Donald Trumps of this world apply the principle and effectively too.
Dan and Ken are friends in their mid forties. At the time both were twenty years and in college, they both set a goal to be financially free by the time they will be in their in their mid forties. At twenty both decided that when they start working and earning steady income they will be saving a certain portion of their income consistently every month. Back then, they set a goal of saving a minimum of $100 per month until they reach age fifty five when they hope to retire from active working life. Ken did this for a few years and stopped. Dan on the other hand continued saving consistently $100 or more every month since age twenty, investing his savings and using the principle of compound effect has been able to make money enough to be financially free at age forty five. With compound interest, Dan has become a millionaire and could afford whatever he desired. Ken on the other hand is still struggling financially and trying to make ends meet.
You see, using the principle of compound effect, Dan made small choices of saving a minimum of $100 or more monthly consistently over the past 25 years and that is the result we are seeing today in his being a millionaire and financially free. He has used the principle of compound effect to achieve the radical difference (change) which is the financial freedom he has always desired. To be financially free, Dan lived through saving and investing consistently. He lived through sheer agony and sometimes frustrations and disappointments to become the wealthy and financially free man that he has become.
Your path to success in money making is through a continuum of mundane, unexciting and often difficult daily denials in creating wealth. The wealth and financial freedom of your dream can be yours when you put the compound effect to work for you like Dan did.
Making money demands a lot of denials and frustrations. You can however save yourself these denials and frustrations in creating wealth by clicking here
What is Compound Effect?
Compound Effect is the principle of reaping huge rewards from a series of small smart choices. Arising from these is a final result which is often massive such that the steps taken to achieve it really do not seem significant.
Small smart choices +consistency + time = Radical Difference (Changes).
The power of the principle of compound effect lies in its simplicity. If the small smart choices are applied consistently, over time some radical differences will be observed in the individual applying them. However the most challenging part of the principle is that we must keep working away consistently for a while before we see our efforts paying off. If not there will be no change.
The Principle of Compound Effect as a Money Making Opportunity
It is no secret that the principle of compound effect is behind every achievable success in creating wealth. It is only the wealth built consistently overtime that stands the test of time. No wealth created quickly and without foundation can endure. Using the principle of compound effect to create wealth and make money is therefore is time tested and the most effective. Every wealthy person realizes this and that is why their wealth endures and appreciates. The Bill Gates and Donald Trumps of this world apply the principle and effectively too.
Dan and Ken are friends in their mid forties. At the time both were twenty years and in college, they both set a goal to be financially free by the time they will be in their in their mid forties. At twenty both decided that when they start working and earning steady income they will be saving a certain portion of their income consistently every month. Back then, they set a goal of saving a minimum of $100 per month until they reach age fifty five when they hope to retire from active working life. Ken did this for a few years and stopped. Dan on the other hand continued saving consistently $100 or more every month since age twenty, investing his savings and using the principle of compound effect has been able to make money enough to be financially free at age forty five. With compound interest, Dan has become a millionaire and could afford whatever he desired. Ken on the other hand is still struggling financially and trying to make ends meet.
You see, using the principle of compound effect, Dan made small choices of saving a minimum of $100 or more monthly consistently over the past 25 years and that is the result we are seeing today in his being a millionaire and financially free. He has used the principle of compound effect to achieve the radical difference (change) which is the financial freedom he has always desired. To be financially free, Dan lived through saving and investing consistently. He lived through sheer agony and sometimes frustrations and disappointments to become the wealthy and financially free man that he has become.
Your path to success in money making is through a continuum of mundane, unexciting and often difficult daily denials in creating wealth. The wealth and financial freedom of your dream can be yours when you put the compound effect to work for you like Dan did.
Making money demands a lot of denials and frustrations. You can however save yourself these denials and frustrations in creating wealth by clicking here
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Four Major Wealth Creating Habits of the Rich and Wealthy
The rich and the wealthy are known to have imbibed some habits which over time have been known to have helped them to accumulate the wealth they have acquired. Without these habits, they would not have gotten as far as they have in their quest to create and build wealth.
1. Hard Work: This is the first major habit of the rich. The rich and the wealthy are known to work harder and sleep less than other people. The wealthy work seven days a week and oftentimes sleep less than eight hours a day. Most times they sacrifice their personal time for professional success. The time they should have spent enjoying themselves they spend developing themselves and their business. This they use to create wealth as much as they want.
2. Saving: Another habit of the wealthy worth emulating is that they save habitually. The rich are not known to be crazy and impulsive spenders. Their spending is planned and whatever is left is saved. They are not frivolous spenders either. They are known to typically pay off their full credit card every month. Saving therefore plays a great role in wealth creation.
3. Investment: Thirdly, the wealthy invest wisely, soundly and aggressively. They are more likely to invest what they save in stocks, mutual funds and real estate. Whatever they have saved in terms of money they usually invest in things that will yield them more money. Put in another way, they allow their money to work for them through wise and aggressive investments which thereafter assist them in their quest to create wealth.
4. Giving Back: The rich and the wealthy are known to be grateful always for the favor and blessings of God and what He has done for them in terms of wealth accumulation, therefore they often give part of their wealth back to their communities and whatever organization they believe in.
These four habits you will find in every rich and wealthy person and they are the basis and foundation of their wealth acquisition. Without it they will not be able to accumulate as much wealth as they have.
Do you know there are other habits like desire, persistence, going the extra mile, service delivery and positive mental attitude play a major role in wealth creation? Learn how to create wealth with these habits by clicking here NOW!
1. Hard Work: This is the first major habit of the rich. The rich and the wealthy are known to work harder and sleep less than other people. The wealthy work seven days a week and oftentimes sleep less than eight hours a day. Most times they sacrifice their personal time for professional success. The time they should have spent enjoying themselves they spend developing themselves and their business. This they use to create wealth as much as they want.
2. Saving: Another habit of the wealthy worth emulating is that they save habitually. The rich are not known to be crazy and impulsive spenders. Their spending is planned and whatever is left is saved. They are not frivolous spenders either. They are known to typically pay off their full credit card every month. Saving therefore plays a great role in wealth creation.
3. Investment: Thirdly, the wealthy invest wisely, soundly and aggressively. They are more likely to invest what they save in stocks, mutual funds and real estate. Whatever they have saved in terms of money they usually invest in things that will yield them more money. Put in another way, they allow their money to work for them through wise and aggressive investments which thereafter assist them in their quest to create wealth.
4. Giving Back: The rich and the wealthy are known to be grateful always for the favor and blessings of God and what He has done for them in terms of wealth accumulation, therefore they often give part of their wealth back to their communities and whatever organization they believe in.
These four habits you will find in every rich and wealthy person and they are the basis and foundation of their wealth acquisition. Without it they will not be able to accumulate as much wealth as they have.
Do you know there are other habits like desire, persistence, going the extra mile, service delivery and positive mental attitude play a major role in wealth creation? Learn how to create wealth with these habits by clicking here NOW!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Wealth Creation: Fastest Ways of Building Wealth as a Worker
Sales Personnel are reputed to earn more and are fastest in building wealth than other workers in any business organization. Of course it is not because they are smarter than other professionals. No, they not. They are however regarded as more financially valuable and rewarding to business organizations than other professionals. That therefore is the main reason why they are paid more. You too can get paid more as an employee and create more wealth if you apply the strategies practiced by the sales personnel. What therefore are the fastest ways of building wealth as a worker?
• You must make a commitment to become the most valuable worker in your boss’s view and in your department: Do your utmost to become invaluable to your boss. Do not shy away from responsibilities. Welcome responsibilities when thrust upon you. This way, you will learn more and become an expert in your field. The more invaluable you are therefore to your boss and in your department, the more raise you will make as an employee and the more the wealth you will create. This therefore is one of the fastest ways of building wealth as a worker that I ever know.
• List all the ways you are currently valuable to your boss and department: Make the list and use it as a guide to further warm yourself to the heart of your boss. Follow it religiously and you will achieve your goal of creating wealth as a worker.
• Be guided by this sole criterion all your business decisions in: How will your actions help your organization to increase its long term profitability? By being guided by this criterion, you get to be more committed to your organization’s vision and mission and consequently the overall growth of the organization, therefore making yourself more valuable to your organization. This is another one of the fastest ways of building wealth as a worker.
• Make friends with other superiors within your organization: This is another way of building wealth as a worker. Rising within an organization does not depend on your immediate boss alone. You will also require the recommendations of other superiors. You need to court their friendship rather than their enmity. Ask for their assistance where necessary and also endeavor to assist them when required. By doing this, they will put in good words for you when required especially when financial matters are concerned.
• Make friends with your contemporaries: Just like your superiors, endeavor to be friendly with your contemporaries. Request for their help when necessary and likewise offer assistance to them when required. Nobody is an island and of course you are not one either. They can help you in achieving your goals especially financial issues and this is another one of the fastest ways of creating wealth as a worker.
• Try mutual mentoring: Mutual mentoring is a symbiotic relationship. It is one in which a mentor also learns from the mentee. This relationship makes a worker more adept and better in his or her field making the worker more invaluable. This will create more raise and commissions as the case may be. This is also one of the fastest ways of building wealth as a worker. Try it and you will never regret it.
Superstar employees and consequently the richest within all organizations are not known for doing thousand things better than ordinary employees, they only do handful of tasks in ways that make them more valuable to their organizations. This you too should resolve to do today. Do things that will be rewarding and profitable to your organization and you trust me you will create more wealth a worker.
Do you know that there is a program that can help you create wealth faster than you can imagine? You can learn about that program by clicking here.
• You must make a commitment to become the most valuable worker in your boss’s view and in your department: Do your utmost to become invaluable to your boss. Do not shy away from responsibilities. Welcome responsibilities when thrust upon you. This way, you will learn more and become an expert in your field. The more invaluable you are therefore to your boss and in your department, the more raise you will make as an employee and the more the wealth you will create. This therefore is one of the fastest ways of building wealth as a worker that I ever know.
• List all the ways you are currently valuable to your boss and department: Make the list and use it as a guide to further warm yourself to the heart of your boss. Follow it religiously and you will achieve your goal of creating wealth as a worker.
• Be guided by this sole criterion all your business decisions in: How will your actions help your organization to increase its long term profitability? By being guided by this criterion, you get to be more committed to your organization’s vision and mission and consequently the overall growth of the organization, therefore making yourself more valuable to your organization. This is another one of the fastest ways of building wealth as a worker.
• Make friends with other superiors within your organization: This is another way of building wealth as a worker. Rising within an organization does not depend on your immediate boss alone. You will also require the recommendations of other superiors. You need to court their friendship rather than their enmity. Ask for their assistance where necessary and also endeavor to assist them when required. By doing this, they will put in good words for you when required especially when financial matters are concerned.
• Make friends with your contemporaries: Just like your superiors, endeavor to be friendly with your contemporaries. Request for their help when necessary and likewise offer assistance to them when required. Nobody is an island and of course you are not one either. They can help you in achieving your goals especially financial issues and this is another one of the fastest ways of creating wealth as a worker.
• Try mutual mentoring: Mutual mentoring is a symbiotic relationship. It is one in which a mentor also learns from the mentee. This relationship makes a worker more adept and better in his or her field making the worker more invaluable. This will create more raise and commissions as the case may be. This is also one of the fastest ways of building wealth as a worker. Try it and you will never regret it.
Superstar employees and consequently the richest within all organizations are not known for doing thousand things better than ordinary employees, they only do handful of tasks in ways that make them more valuable to their organizations. This you too should resolve to do today. Do things that will be rewarding and profitable to your organization and you trust me you will create more wealth a worker.
Do you know that there is a program that can help you create wealth faster than you can imagine? You can learn about that program by clicking here.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Service No One Loves Performing – The Untold Secret to Wealth Creation
There is this principle about wealth building which is so clear and simple but unfortunately people do not pay much attention to it. This principle has made those who have applied it mammoth wealth. However the principle is so simple that even a child of five years could apply it to make money if he desires. We human beings have always overlooked the principle to our disadvantage. It is however the exclusive preserve of the rich. They have applied the principle to their advantage and consequently used it to accumulate wealth and tons of it too.
I too stumbled on this principle in the course of my countless forays into knowledge acquisition. So what is this principle? It is
There you have it. Simple you will say. However simple it is, it is very functional if applied.
There was the story of a man in the part of the world where I come from who made mammoth wealth by applying this principle. We call this man Otunba Gadaffi. You see in our part of the world we are used to holding important functions like weddings, carnivals and funeral ceremonies where several thousands of people will attend on open grounds. These open grounds are usually devoid of conveniences, in particular toilet facilities. Otunba Gadaffi therefore developed and constructed movable portable toilets and started hiring them out to those holding such functions.
Those hiring the movable conveniences will use them and he would pack the mess or shit. To him “SHIT BUSINESS IS BIG BUSINESS”. You see he made lots of money and he is still making it. No one loved packing shit. He however packed the mess of others and made money out of it. He was a pioneer of some sort, but a pioneer in shit business which people hates performing. Do you now get my drift? Otunba Gadaffi is performing a service no one loves performing and he is making tons of money out it.
Am sure you want to build wealth too. Why not apply this principle? Look around you. Discover those services people do not like performing and perform them. I bet you will smile to the bank. There are several and you only need to be observant. Do it today before it is too late.
Have you been battling with lack without knowing how to cure it but you are desirous of creating wealth? If you are CLICK HERE NOW!!!
I too stumbled on this principle in the course of my countless forays into knowledge acquisition. So what is this principle? It is
There you have it. Simple you will say. However simple it is, it is very functional if applied.
There was the story of a man in the part of the world where I come from who made mammoth wealth by applying this principle. We call this man Otunba Gadaffi. You see in our part of the world we are used to holding important functions like weddings, carnivals and funeral ceremonies where several thousands of people will attend on open grounds. These open grounds are usually devoid of conveniences, in particular toilet facilities. Otunba Gadaffi therefore developed and constructed movable portable toilets and started hiring them out to those holding such functions.
Those hiring the movable conveniences will use them and he would pack the mess or shit. To him “SHIT BUSINESS IS BIG BUSINESS”. You see he made lots of money and he is still making it. No one loved packing shit. He however packed the mess of others and made money out of it. He was a pioneer of some sort, but a pioneer in shit business which people hates performing. Do you now get my drift? Otunba Gadaffi is performing a service no one loves performing and he is making tons of money out it.
Am sure you want to build wealth too. Why not apply this principle? Look around you. Discover those services people do not like performing and perform them. I bet you will smile to the bank. There are several and you only need to be observant. Do it today before it is too late.
Have you been battling with lack without knowing how to cure it but you are desirous of creating wealth? If you are CLICK HERE NOW!!!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Every Adversity Carries Inside It a Gift
Every problem has a solution just like every solution has a problem. Whatever problem it is you are facing today, inside it is a gift which if you are able to discover will do you a world of good. Never see adversity as a curse. Rather see adversity as a gift because within that adversity lie the seed of a worthwhile and fulfilling future. Therefore learn from your adversity rather than worrying yourself to death about it. Who has not fallen victim of one form of adversity or the other? The rich welcome adversity when it befalls them. They know adversity follows after some laws which guide it and once they are able to abide by those laws the world is at their feet.
Laws of Adversity
• Adversity is not optional. Both good people and bad people suffer misfortune. Likewise the both the rich and the poor suffers misfortune. Same with the righteous and the sinners.
• You might not be able to choose whether you will meet with misfortune or not, but you can choose not to remain permanently under the scourge of misfortune.
• We tend to learn more from our setbacks than from our successes.
• Surviving setbacks is a great way of building self confidence which in a way better prepares one for future adversity.
• Adversity helps prevent arrogance and complacency.
• Adversity encourages creativity. When things are not working, it forces one to be more creative.
• Whatever it is you have fought to gain through adversity, you will fight to keep.
• Without the valley you have been plunged through adversity you will not appreciate the mountain of success.
• Adversity keeps teaching. Besides, adversity is a silent teacher.
• In every adversity there is a blessing. Every adversity carries inside it a gift.
Are you presently under an adverse situation? Do not despair, because it is just a passing phase. Never see yourself as a failure. Regard adversity as a gift. See yourself as a SUCCESS that you are.
Failure will never overtake you if your determination to succeed is strong enough.
Do you know that there is a program that can propel you from your present state of despondency? If you want to learn about the program CLICK HERE!!!
Laws of Adversity
• Adversity is not optional. Both good people and bad people suffer misfortune. Likewise the both the rich and the poor suffers misfortune. Same with the righteous and the sinners.
• You might not be able to choose whether you will meet with misfortune or not, but you can choose not to remain permanently under the scourge of misfortune.
• We tend to learn more from our setbacks than from our successes.
• Surviving setbacks is a great way of building self confidence which in a way better prepares one for future adversity.
• Adversity helps prevent arrogance and complacency.
• Adversity encourages creativity. When things are not working, it forces one to be more creative.
• Whatever it is you have fought to gain through adversity, you will fight to keep.
• Without the valley you have been plunged through adversity you will not appreciate the mountain of success.
• Adversity keeps teaching. Besides, adversity is a silent teacher.
• In every adversity there is a blessing. Every adversity carries inside it a gift.
Are you presently under an adverse situation? Do not despair, because it is just a passing phase. Never see yourself as a failure. Regard adversity as a gift. See yourself as a SUCCESS that you are.
Failure will never overtake you if your determination to succeed is strong enough.
Do you know that there is a program that can propel you from your present state of despondency? If you want to learn about the program CLICK HERE!!!
Friday, February 4, 2011
The Secret Money Ring Works: A Review of The Secret Money Ring By Matt Bacak
The e-book "Secret Money Ring" by Matt Bacak is an ultimate lead generation plan that outranks both the Oprah-driven vehicle "A Million Little Pieces" and the unstoppable Harry Potter.By purchasing the e-book you are sure about an historic avalanche of traffic will relentlessly pour cash into your hand through your sales funnel like a busted the Hoover Dam of Profits.
The e-book is a marketing blockbuster of a course that will show you how to create your own predictable and unstoppable engine of wealth. With the Secret Money Ring in your hand you will wield unbelievable money making powers never known to man. This power is however left for you to decide.
* The book will show you how to have other big list owners dumping traffic on your site by the truckload…
* The book will reveal to you the sneaky trick that almost forces affiliates to do your bidding like they're under your spell...
* The book will show you how to hijack billion dollar secrets that companies like Microsoft, Intel and McDonalds use to dominate markets, and skyrocket their reputations at the same time…
* It is a hidden source of email subject lines that shock the senses, and demand to be opened…or else…
* The book will reveal one missing element that separates 7 figure launches from the copycats who can’t sell their way out of a paper bag...
* The e-book will eradicate the customer service nightmare just waiting to happen in your business..and how to obliterate it in seconds….
* Will show you how you can LEGALLY and ethically copy-paste your way to multi-million promotions without EVER hiring a copywriter!
* Will show you how to eliminate the "traffic headache" forever...while working far less than you do now!
Matt Bacak has created more millionaires with his courses than any other wannabe out there.
In point of fact, gurus who were teaching you and I are learning learning from me. That is to show you how unbelievably good he is.
Warren Whitlock
"I've used the principles taught by Matt Bacak to earn over ...If you're in business today, and expect to stay alive in the future.. you MUST learn how to do this."
--Warren Whitlock, Marketing Results Coach, (Las Vegas, Nevada)
Mark Joyner
"He'll just hold your hand and show you how to make a wad of cash..."
"Matt Bacak is one of the smartest marketers alive, but who cares, right? What matters to you is that he's a consummate teacher. He will not blow your mind with complex ideas - he'll just hold your hand and show you how to make a wad of cash."
--Mark Joyner, #1 Bestselling Author of "Integration Marketing"
Mike Litman
"...He's definitely a Must read, Must hear, and Must see!"
Matt is without a doubt 'The Powerful Promoter!' If you want to quickly increase your revenues and line your pockets with money again and again, he's definitely a Must read, Must hear, and Must see!"
--Mike Litman, #1 International best-selling author of Conversations with Millionaires (New York, NY)
More Benefits
1. With the purchase of the Secret Money Ring, you willbe granted access into the Matt Bacak's award winning coaching club "IM Gold".
2. The price is criminally cheap.....Just $1.Be aware that if you decide to stick with IM Gold past the first 14 days it's going to be just $67.95 a month.
If you are one of the first 500 buyers, you enjoy more benefits...
3.You will get the e-book My First Million by Matt Bacaksold for $497.
4.You get another bonus The Traffic Pyramid by Matt Bacak.
5. You get access to other bonuses like , Software Traffic Loophole, Viral Traffic Generators,
"...My monthly income increases on average by .....in a month"
(specific results withheld due to FTC regulations)
I just wanted to share a few stats I've had in my business by just following one simple strategy you've taught.
I opened a new shopping cart to track the progress of just this one part of my business and as you'll see my income from this ONE strategy alone has NOT only increased my monthly revenue in this part of my business by per month, but on top of that each month I keep plugging away my monthly income increases on average by a month.
Do the math. . .
I keep this up and by December that number should jump to around
a month – putting just this one part of the business at per year for 2009. The future looks bright, and I haven't even put ALL your advice into action, expect another update soon.
What Matt says, if you just go out and do it will make you money hands down. Spending money with Matt is one of the best investments I've made in my life.
To the top,
--Daegan Smith
1. You can only purchase this this wonderful marketing course from Clickbank and no other place.
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Need I say more? You have to take massive action now if you do not want to miss out and remain at your present level of despondency.If you want to take action now CLICK HERE!!!
Your friend,
Napoleon Jackson.

The e-book is a marketing blockbuster of a course that will show you how to create your own predictable and unstoppable engine of wealth. With the Secret Money Ring in your hand you will wield unbelievable money making powers never known to man. This power is however left for you to decide.
* The book will show you how to have other big list owners dumping traffic on your site by the truckload…
* The book will reveal to you the sneaky trick that almost forces affiliates to do your bidding like they're under your spell...
* The book will show you how to hijack billion dollar secrets that companies like Microsoft, Intel and McDonalds use to dominate markets, and skyrocket their reputations at the same time…
* It is a hidden source of email subject lines that shock the senses, and demand to be opened…or else…
* The book will reveal one missing element that separates 7 figure launches from the copycats who can’t sell their way out of a paper bag...
* The e-book will eradicate the customer service nightmare just waiting to happen in your business..and how to obliterate it in seconds….
* Will show you how you can LEGALLY and ethically copy-paste your way to multi-million promotions without EVER hiring a copywriter!
* Will show you how to eliminate the "traffic headache" forever...while working far less than you do now!
Matt Bacak has created more millionaires with his courses than any other wannabe out there.
In point of fact, gurus who were teaching you and I are learning learning from me. That is to show you how unbelievably good he is.
Warren Whitlock
"I've used the principles taught by Matt Bacak to earn over ...If you're in business today, and expect to stay alive in the future.. you MUST learn how to do this."
--Warren Whitlock, Marketing Results Coach, (Las Vegas, Nevada)
Mark Joyner
"He'll just hold your hand and show you how to make a wad of cash..."
"Matt Bacak is one of the smartest marketers alive, but who cares, right? What matters to you is that he's a consummate teacher. He will not blow your mind with complex ideas - he'll just hold your hand and show you how to make a wad of cash."
--Mark Joyner, #1 Bestselling Author of "Integration Marketing"
Mike Litman
"...He's definitely a Must read, Must hear, and Must see!"
Matt is without a doubt 'The Powerful Promoter!' If you want to quickly increase your revenues and line your pockets with money again and again, he's definitely a Must read, Must hear, and Must see!"
--Mike Litman, #1 International best-selling author of Conversations with Millionaires (New York, NY)
More Benefits
1. With the purchase of the Secret Money Ring, you willbe granted access into the Matt Bacak's award winning coaching club "IM Gold".
2. The price is criminally cheap.....Just $1.Be aware that if you decide to stick with IM Gold past the first 14 days it's going to be just $67.95 a month.
If you are one of the first 500 buyers, you enjoy more benefits...
3.You will get the e-book My First Million by Matt Bacaksold for $497.
4.You get another bonus The Traffic Pyramid by Matt Bacak.
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"...My monthly income increases on average by .....in a month"
(specific results withheld due to FTC regulations)
I just wanted to share a few stats I've had in my business by just following one simple strategy you've taught.
I opened a new shopping cart to track the progress of just this one part of my business and as you'll see my income from this ONE strategy alone has NOT only increased my monthly revenue in this part of my business by per month, but on top of that each month I keep plugging away my monthly income increases on average by a month.
Do the math. . .
I keep this up and by December that number should jump to around
a month – putting just this one part of the business at per year for 2009. The future looks bright, and I haven't even put ALL your advice into action, expect another update soon.
What Matt says, if you just go out and do it will make you money hands down. Spending money with Matt is one of the best investments I've made in my life.
To the top,
--Daegan Smith
1. You can only purchase this this wonderful marketing course from Clickbank and no other place.
2. Being an e-book, you cannot read it except you have a personal computer or a laptop.
Need I say more? You have to take massive action now if you do not want to miss out and remain at your present level of despondency.If you want to take action now CLICK HERE!!!
Your friend,
Napoleon Jackson.
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